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Monday, July 18, 2011

Now this is a reason for reading a book digitally

I love to read.  I love technology.  But I prefer to read a book; a real book.  One you can hold in your hands and actually turn the page.  One that can lay on your chest when you fall asleep reading in the hammock and one if your dog gets a hold of it while you are asleep you are only out a few dollars.

Then I saw this TED Talks video with Mike Matas.
Now, this is a reason to read a book digitally.  Maybe not the Al Gore book, but this could be interesting with some books.

In fact, I predict this could be the future of educational text books.  I can see how this would be a great teaching tool for students to use.

For now though, I think I'll hit my hammock with my book.  My real book.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sprint misses call with Paige Duke

Paige & Sarah at the Charlotte race.
When I saw online that Sprint had released Paige Duke as a Miss Sprint Cup over some unfavorable images I was sadden.  My daughter met Paige at a recent race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway and she left a positive impression on Sarah.  Every NASCAR race on TV after that she would look for Paige in Victory Lane.

As soon as I read the then short note posted on facebook about Paige being let go by Sprint, I went and talked with Sarah about how decisions can some times have negative consequences not only now but in the future. 

Since then I have learned more about what happened.  I have not seen these pictures, nor do I have any desire to see them.  I have thought long and hard on this and need to share my feelings.

The pictures were from when Paige was in college 6 years ago and were intended only for her then boyfriend.  They were never to be seen by anyone else.

Let’s look at the facts:
-          The pictures were taken 6 years ago, well before Paige was employed by Sprint.
-          They were not taken for a magazine or the general public to see.  They were for someone she was in a relationship with.
-          The pictures or taking of the pictures is not illegal.  Although posting them online without Paige’s permission is WRONG and very disrespectful.   

I do have to wonder if there is a double standard in the NASCAR world.  Most recently driver Kyle Busch was stopped for driving over 100 mph and really nothing was done to him.  Last time I checked, driving that much over the speed limit is breaking the law.  Not picking on Kyle, he handled his situation very well too.   But he is just the most recent example.

I understand there was a morality clause in the contract between Paige and Sprint.  And I will be the first to say I do not condone those types of pictures.  As a professional photographer, I will not create them for my clients – personal beliefs.

But we have all made mistakes.  It is how you respond and deal with those mistakes that truly matter.  And I must say; Paige has handled this situation gracefully. 

Sarah and I listened in on a radio interview with Paige and I am so glad Sarah was with me to hear it.  Paige is stepping up and admitting her mistake and is using this as an opportunity to educate young girls like Sarah about how they do not need to do things such as nude pictures for a guy to keep their attention and the consequences that may come from something like that years later.

This is where Sprint missed the call.  Paige is taking a bad situation and turning it into a positive one.  She is using it to hopefully keep some other young girl from doing the same mistake she did or go through what she has gone through.

Paige was doing an awesome job representing Sprint as Miss Sprint Cup.  Sprint could have taken this opportunity to step up and through the bad situation with Paige become a leader in helping educate young girls to think more about the decisions they make. Paige is doing a great job speaking on that now, but Sprint has missed the call.

Guess what?  My cell phone contract is up.  I won’t be looking at Sprint to become my provider.  I might have if they were being active on helping young girls like my daughter.

Shortly, after Paige was let go we received back the picture of her and Sarah we sent to her with a really nice note and autographed.  We are in the process of framing it and it will be hung in Sarah’s room.  Because of how Paige treated Sarah at the race and mostly how she has handled this unfortunate situation, our view of Paige has not been tarnished.

If Paige is ever in the Hickory area, I would love to have her come speak to our youth group at church and Sarah’s friends from school.  She is being a great role model for them to look up too and listen to.

Car seat safety

As a mom, the safety of my daughter is constantly on my mind.  So when one of my favorite podcasts interviewed Dr. Alisa Baer, the Car Seat Lady; I knew I needed to share it with all the parents and grandparents out there.  Dr. Baer gave some great information on child car seat safety.

Please take the time to listen to the podcast.  It is packed full of great information.

Listen to internet radio with Breakthroughbusiness on Blog Talk Radio

Then take the time to go over the information on the Car Seat Lady website.

I just wished I had known about this when Sarah was smaller.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Travel light and look good at the same time

I love TED Talks.  They are short and very insightful.  I watched this one of Jessi Arrington earlier today and just had to share it with you.  Watch it and then I'll share some thoughts with you.

I would like to first say how enjoyable Jessi presentation was.  It was very funny and upbeat, but delivered several important messages.

Jessi's message on how your attitude effects how you really look is spot on.  I really wish more people (especially young girls) would listen to what Jessi says and believe it.

I'll have to admit I love thrift store shopping.  It is always like an adventure and like Jessi, it feels good to be able to help out a good organization while getting something new to wear or use in the house.

But until I watched Jessi's TED Talk I never thought about using it when I travel.  What a great idea.  With all the extra charges the airlines tack on when you fly or simply just dealing with loading and unloading the car to do a trip, going thrift store shopping when you get there is a great idea.  Then donating them back just benefits the organization again.

This is definitely an idea I like.  Thanks Jessi for the idea!  Always love an excuse to hit another thrift store.

To find out more about TED Talks, go to

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Lord knows best

As a family we love to go camping in the North Carolina and Tennessee mountains.  We pack up our tent and head to the woods usually at least twice a year.  Last week we did just that and headed to Cataloochee in the Great Smoky Mountain National Park.  We love camping there and Sarah really wanted to go see the elk again.

It did not take long to realize that this was not going to be our normal trip.  In fact, the first sign happened the day before we even left.  While out on a photography session, my car started acting up.  That resulted in an afternoon at the garage getting a new alternator.  I had no idea at the time what a metaphor replacing the alternator would be. 

I am just thankful for two wonderful friends that made the wait so much more pleasurable and fun.  I am also grateful it happened before we left for our trip. 

The day of the trip, we loaded up the car and headed out.   The trip up was wonderful.  We talked, joked and picked on Sarah (always a favorite pastime).  Everything was going as planned, but we would soon learn that our plan was not the plan we would end up following.

When we got to the campground we found out the National Park Service had made a policy change this year.  To camp at the Cataloohee campground you now have to make reservations in advance.  Nice to find that out when we get there - not.

For years we have gone there and have never made a reservation.  I am not a fan of this but, now we know and we will be making reservations in the future.  Cataloochee is the only NPS campground in our area that all sites require reservations.  If you wish to go camping there, be sure to call 1-877-444-6777 or visit before you head out to go spend the night with the elk.

Once we found out our plans on where we were going to camp had changed, we decided to head to a campground we had not stayed at before; Cosby, Tenn.  In fact, except for a brief drive through on a camping trip with a friend, I had never even been there and that was more than what Dwayne and Sarah had done.  So we took the old mountain dirt road from Cataloochee to Cosby to see what we could find.

The ride over to Cosby was beautiful, long and even longer with a certain redhead in the backseat.  But we made it there and got us a really nice campsite and pitched the tent.

Since we were planning on staying at Cataloochee, I did not bring any of my reference books with me or even went online.  We had no clue what was around there to do.  There was no cell service, so I could not even call some friends that knew the area.

The information that was available there seemed to offer very little to do.  There was some hiking trails and no ranger campfire programs.  Those are some our favorite things. 

The creek offered some water, which is something Sarah loves.  And the campground was fairly empty, so it was really peaceful and quiet.  At least until the last night.

It quickly became obvious this was not going to be one of our normal camping trips.  It was going to be more of a relaxing one.  We did do some light hiking and saw some beautiful scenes.   Sarah and Dwayne even played in the creek.  I got to do some much put off reading while sitting on a rock out in the creek.

The rest of the time, we most just sat around the fire, talked and read.  Basically, it was a trip of relaxation and recharging my batteries.  Like the new alternator in my car keeps the battery charged, the Lord put things in place to slow us down and recharge our batteries and our relationships.

This trip was not what we planned.  It turned out even better and just what we needed.  The Lord knows best and we just have to be willing to go along for the ride.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thanks to those at GHES

Sarah in kindergarten.

I always thought dropping your baby off at kindergarten on the first day of school was the hardest thing for a mom to do.  I found out this past week that it was just a warm up.  Sarah finished the 5th grade on Friday and is heading to middle school next year.

It seem like just yesterday I was dropping her off in Mrs. Hurley’s classroom.  Heck, it seems like yesterday I was waddling around pregnant with her.  Can someone please tell me where the pause button is?

Graduating from the 5th grade
I clearly remember walking Sarah into the building that morning.  She was very shy, quiet and reserve.  Now, she is almost as tall as me and shows a bit more of personality.  That might be considered an understatement.

She is growing into a wonderful young lady.  The staff at GHES has a lot to do with who she is growing up to be.  They are a very special group.  They are a family and we became part of their family over these past six years.

During the Honors Chorus performance.
All of the teachers at GHES are wonderful.  They work as a team to make sure each student receives the love (yes, it shows that they love their students), support and structure that they need.  I am not going to try to name them all, because I would end up naming every one of them.  But thank you to each of you.

I know Sarah has made some friends and memories for life while at GHES.  I also think she has found something she loves in Chorus.  I was so proud when she was selected to be part of the county wide Honors Chorus.

During the Jan Chorus program
During her last Chorus program at GHES, I watched her sing and perform so focused, so serious, so well trained.  The young lady performing on the stage was a long way from the little girl that just stood there during her kindergarten performance.  Special thanks to Ms. Yoder for helping to develop the love for singing Sarah has now.

Soon Sarah will start middle school and I am sure that is going to be yet another trying milestone.  But I know she has developed a good foundation thanks to all of those at GHES.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Do you Relay?

I love walking around the track as the sun comes up and the luminaries are still glowing strong.
Do you Relay?  I do.  I have already done one Relay and tomorrow night I do another.  On the studio blog I have posted a short video of just a few images from the Burke County Relay For Life event.  Please go watch it.  It will help you understand why I Relay. 

Friday, May 20, 2011

Relay Time

A special moment from the 2010 Valdese Relay For Life
I wanted to share a link to a blog post I just posted on the studio blog called "Let's Relay" about tonight's Burke County Relay For Life.  Relay is special to me and it is an honor to be the photographer for such a great event.  Hope to see you at the Relay!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Failing the EOGs

Sarah and her classmates are taking their 5th grade Science EOGs today.  Next week they have the rest of the EOGs.  That means two weeks of stress and worry for these students and teachers.

If you don’t know what EOG stands for, it is End of Grade testing.  Depending on how the student does on the EOGs could mean if they pass or fail the grade.  There are also implications for the teacher and school as well on how the students do on their EOGs.

I don’t know about you, but I hate test.  I understand they are important, but I still hate them.  Then add all of the pressure of the EOGs could mean pass or fail; well that is simply ridiculous.

I have no clue who came up with the idea of the EOGs and the power they have, but I have some news for you.  I give them a big fat “F”.  You know as in failed.

There is no sense in relying so much on the EOGs to determine how well a student has learned.  What kind of a lesson is that teaching the students?  To me it says it does not matter if you really understand it as long as you can memorize enough to pass a test.  Great way to go through life.

We have good teachers that are well educated and that care about the students in the classroom.  Let them do their job and truly teach the students and not just teach for a test. 

These teachers know when a student has learned the lessons or if they need to be held back a year.  Plus, without the stress of the EOGs, the teachers could focus more on teaching each student at each student’s level.  Let them do their job they have been trained for and that we (the taxpayers) pay them to do.

It is time for a change.  There is no sense in placing this kind of pressure on these young students or their teachers.  Our country did not become the number one country in the world because of a stupid (oh yes I did go there) test.  We became number one because we developed a society of people that were willing to work, knew how to use their brains to figure things out and believed in themselves. 

That is what we need to be teaching and stressing to our children.  Not the pressure of the EOGs.   Regardless of how well the student has done all year; one bad test can make them feel stupid and that they cannot do anything.

Do you think I am kidding?  Ask them and see what you think of the EOGs then.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the EOGs.  Please share them.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Happy baby/toddler photo contest

Here is one of the cuties I am talking about.

I found out about this photo contest and thought I would pass it along to you.  Since I have the pleasure of photographing so many cute and adorable kids, I know many cuties that could easily win this photo contest.

The photo contest is being held by Food Lion the grocery chain based right here out of North Carolina.  The contest is show off your happy baby or toddler and they are giving away some nice prizes too.

The grand prize winner will receive a year supply of both diapers and baby food.  In addition to the grand prize, the 10 finalist will win $100 Food Lion Gift Cards.  Not bad prizes.

There are three phases to this contest.  Phase 1 ends May 31st and that is the deadline for all enters to be submitted.  So if you are interested in entering this photo contest, you have till the end of the month.  During the second phase, 10 finalist will be selected that will then be voted on by the public through a facebook campaign in phase three.

I took the time to read over the rules and I recommend you do too. There are 4 small print pages, but you should read them before entering.  Here are a few key points I got out of the rules.

-          You can only enter once
-          The photo must have been taken 1/1/2011 and 5/31/2011
-          You baby or toddler must be between the ages of newborn to 3 years old
-          Only the baby/toddler you are entering can be in the photo, with the exceptions of twins, triplets or multiples.  They will be considered as one entry.
-          No professional photography is allowed and you give away all copyright and ownership to Food Lion of that image.  This is something a lot of contests are going to and I don’t like it.  There is no reason for it.  They could just say they can use the image to promote the contest or future contests instead of wanting it all.  I am sure someone gave them the advice to do this, but it prevents me from entering photo contests when I am eligible. 
-          This is a facebook contest, which means you and anyone you ask to vote for your kid’s picture must “like” the Food Lion’s facebook page to enter or vote.

There is a quick summary of the Food Lion happy baby/toddlerphoto contest.  If you enter let me. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Unconditional Love - Happy Mother's Day

When I think of my mom, I think the words “unconditional love”.  Before I became a mother myself, I never understood how she put up with so much from me.  Now I do.

A mother’s love is unconditional.  It is stronger than anything. 

I am thankful I have a mom that has loved me unconditionally regardless what I have done.  And I hope I am half the mother she has been.

Love you mom, Happy Mother’s Day!!!

Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.  ~Elizabeth Stone

Friday, April 22, 2011

PENTAX 645D takes home another award

The PENTAX 645D medium-format digital camera
The PENTAX 645D camera has another feather in its cap.  The medium-format digital camera has been named the Best DSLR Professional Camera for 2011 by the Technical Image Press Association (TIPA), a group made up of various editors from mostly European photo and imaging magazines, during the recent TIPA European Photo & Imaging Awards. 

The PENTAX 645D offers photographers 40 effective megapixels in a magnesium alloy body that is fully dust-proof and weather-resistant, which according to TIPA makes “it a great choice for outdoor and location photographers.”

The 645D was named Best DSLR Professional camera
The design, build and features were also noted by TIPA, but the lens system impressed them the most. “Perhaps most impressive is lens compatibility, which encompasses both the new D FA autofocus lenses as well as older 645 lenses.”

Previously, the PENTAX 645D won the 2010 Editors Choice Award from American Photo Magazine.  The medium-format digital camera body sells for $9,995.95.  There are two new D FA autofocus lenses available.  The 55mm f2.8 sells for around $1,199.95 and the 25mm f4 sells for around $4,999.95.

I still own my PENTAX K-1000.  It was my first 35mm camera.  That of course was in the film days and it has the nickname “the Tank.”  I would love to try out the 645D.  If it is anything like the K-1000 or the film medium-format cameras PENTAX was well-known for making for years, the 645D should be a sweet camera and worth the awards it has earned in the short time it has been on the market.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What a difference an hour makes

From the Hickory/Morganton area, Charlotte is only about an hour away.  But oh what difference an hour makes.

Occasionally I write for an online news source,  Today I learned of two different, yet similar stories that I just had to write on.  They are both about jobs coming to our area.

Electrolux is bringing 200 jobs to Charlotte and Geiger is bringing 64 jobs to Hildebran.  Please take the time to read the articles.  I get paid a little for each time someone clicks on the articles.

Since on Examiner I write about the news, I have to basically just report the news.  While we are on the porch swing, I can give my opinions more freely.

I’ll admit any new jobs coming to North Carolina are a good thing.  And I am very grateful for the new jobs coming to Hildebran; after all our area has been hit really hard with job losses and the economy for a number of years now.  Our rich history of manufacturing has moved to other countries along with the jobs.

So yes, it would be nice to have been able to report that Burke County was getting 200 jobs like Charlotte.  Mecklenburg County has 10.2% unemployment, while Burke has 12.3%. 

In reality, our area is only getting around 40 new jobs.  Geiger is moving from Hickory to Hildebran and bringing their 24 employees from that facility.

It would have even been nicer to have reported that the wages for the new jobs to have been closer to each other.  The new jobs down in Charlotte are around $60,000 a year before benefits more than the new jobs in Hildebran. 

Why can’t our area get those type of jobs in our area? 

Monday, April 18, 2011

Crossing the finish line

A sea of people all walking for one cause.  As we turned the corner to head up the "hill" this was what we saw.  It is one of the most amazing sites I have ever seen.
Just over two weeks ago I completed in my first 5K ever.  As I have written about earlier, the 5K was in honor of my cousin Robin Rockett Bowen.  Robin was killed when she was hit while running last Christmas Eve morning.

When the run was first being planned, we were all hoping for 200 runners/walkers.  As the weeks and days approached the run, it quickly became apparent that the Lord was working in the run.

On the morning of the run it was announced that 602 runners/walkers were registered for either the 1 mile fun run or the 5K.  I am still amazed.  

The weather during the run was perfect.  The fellowship was beyond belief.  I can honestly say that this day was a positive step in the healing process for all that loved Robin.  Plus, $10,000 was raised to be donated to several charities and causes that Robin supported.
The support from the runners and community was unbelievable.  This was just one of many families that was out in their yard cheering us on.  Their sign stood out to me.  Later I learned there was more to their story.
Several of my photography friends, including a new photography friend, came to help me photograph the day.  I am very thankful for them giving their time and love to help support this.  Their images are priceless.

For three months I worked out trying to loose some of this weight I have gained and even more importantly improve my lungs. I lost some weight, but I did make some serious ground on my lungs.
Here I am with my cousin Kathy (right) and her daughter Lauren before the run.  Thanks to my new friend, photographer Denise Moody for this image and many others.
I walk it with my cousin Kathy, Robin’s sister, and we crossed the finish line together.  I know Robin was with us every step of the way too.  In fact, we were both pretty happy with how we felt and our time. 

This was my first 5K, but I have decided it is not going to be my last.  I am still training.  In fact, I have stepped it up some and running most of my workouts now.  Although I will admit when I am done, I feel like Fred Sanford and his famous “This is the big one! Elizabeth, I’m coming” scene.  Of course that requires me to be able to speak and at the end of my workouts I am just trying to get some air.  But, I am working on it.
Here I am after the run with some of mine and Robin's classmates and family members.
I haven’t decided on which one will be my next 5K. There are several I have learned about and I need to decide on which one will be the next one.  I don’t think I’ll be able to run all of it, but maybe a run/walk combination.  Next year, I will run all of Robin’s Run.

I found this quote before doing Robin’s Run and I think it is very fitting in life and running:

“Runners just do it ~ they run for the finish line even if someone else has reached it first.” – Unknown

See you at the finish line.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Photography - my passion

As many of you know, my passion is photography.  Even when something is your passion, occasionally you still need some inspiration to stir the creative juices.

I got just what the doctor ordered last week.  I spent the week at the Professional Photographers of North Carolina (PPNC) Convention and then went right to another workshop.

You can read more about my inspiration for this image on my studio blog.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Macaroni for moms

I recently found out about a great resource for moms and wanted to share it with everyone.  So much so that I wrote an article about it and a blog on the studio blog.  But, I wanted to share it with everyone here as well. 

Macaroni Kid is a great resource for moms and teachers.  Check it out.

Photography workshop and passion - oh my

PPNC Convention is always the best.

I have not written much lately, here or on my examiner column.  I really have not felt like saying a whole lot lately.

But, it is time for that to change.  I recently started writing on my examiner column again.  The first article was on something I am very passionate about; photography - specifically my photography family.

I love my career as a photographer.  Being a photographer is a large part of who I am.  I am very passionate about my profession and my craft.  That is why I am also passionate about continuing to improve my skills as a photographer. 

Professional Photographers of North Carolina, PPNC, has been a key player in my development as a professional photographer.  The PPNC Convention is coming up and if you are a professional photographer or working towards becoming one, it is an educational experience you cannot afford to miss.

Learn more about the PPNC convention in the article.

Monday, January 24, 2011

The first step to Robin’s Run

Thanks to Denise Moody for sharing this image of Robin during the Reindeer Romp race back in December.  Robin always loved to run.

It has been one month today since my cousin Robin was killed when she was hit by a car while out running on Christmas Eve.  I’ll admit, it still hard to really believe this is not just a bad dream.

In her honor, I am taking the time today to complete the registration form for Robin’s Run 5K.  As I noted in earlier posts, this will be my first 5K and I know Robin is getting a kick out of getting me serious about working out again.  From what I have read on the facebook page for Robin’s Run, this will be many people’s first 5K. 

We would love to have you join us.  The run/walk (I’ll be walking) 5K will be on Saturday April 2nd.  You can get more information and download the registration form here. 

Hope to see you there.  God Bless,

Friday, January 14, 2011

5K Update – Baggy Pants

I have been training for about two weeks and thought I would post an update on my progress.  My main focus to start off with is to loose some of this excess weight I have been carrying around for too long.

It is not much, but I am proud to say that I have lost 3 pounds.  Not a lot, but it is progress.  I am still not in a smaller size pants, yet.  But the pants I have been wearing are starting to feel baggy.  All of the ladies know that as bad as that feels to actually wear; it is an AWESOME feeling.

My workouts have mostly comprised of walking on the treadmill, playing with my daughter and hiking up a steep snowy hill to go sledding down it again.  Who says working out can’t be fun.

I hope you are joining me on my journey to get back in shape and to participate in the 5K that will be held in honor of my cousin.  It has been 3 weeks since Robin was killed and it is still hard to believe she is not here.  I know she would be sending me emails full of encouragement.  Maybe you can help and leave me a word of encouragement here or even better; give me a report on your progress.

Till next time – God Bless,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not as young as I use to be

There is nothing like going sledding to bring back childhood memories and make you feel like a kid again.  Well that is until you hit a bump at full speed.

Funny, I don’t remember it hurting like that when I was a kid.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

I remember coming in from sledding till we were frozen and undressing by the wood stove in the basement.  The snow would sizzle as it melted when it fell on the hot stove. 

Mom would always make us hot chocolate.  Regardless how frozen we were, we were never too cold for snow cream.  Ummmm!

Back then I could eat all of the snow cream I wanted and did not have to worry about it.  Now, I have to count the calories.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

Book Review: David Meerman Scott’s “The New Rules of PR”

Here it is in the middle of the night and I cannot sleep.  Maybe it is the excitement of waiting for the big snowstorm that is knocking on our door.  Since I could not sleep, I decided to read a book.  I selected “The New Rules of PR” by one of my favorite authors David Meerman Scott.

I should have known reading one of Scott’s books would not help me fall to sleep.  His book “World Wide Rave” is one of my all time favorite books and one I suggest to my friends.  I think I read it in a weekend.

Tonight’s reading was a little shorter, but just as thought provoking.  While Scott wrote “The New Rules of PR: How to create a press release strategy or reaching buyers directly” back in 2006, the information and ideas are still relevant today.  That is why I am recommending it to all of my friends and anyone that wants to promote themselves or their business.

“The New Rules of PR” is a short free e-book packed with ideas I will be implementing to help market my own business.  It is also sort of a precursor to another book by David Meerman Scott “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” which is now on my I must read list. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5K Challenge

Here it is New Year's Day 2011.  I have never been big on making New Year's resolutions, but this year I have one and I would like for you to join me.

In April, I will be participating in my very first 5k.  Fortunately for me it is a walk/run 5k, so I will be walking it.  This is a special 5k and I need to give you some of the background on it.

On Christmas Eve morning I received a call from my mom with news that still is sinking in.  My cousin, Robin Rockett Bowen, was hit while out during her morning run with the running group she ran with.  Robin was killed instantly and another runner was severely injured.  The driver was later charged with a DWI and from what I understand that was not her first.  Read the newspaper article here.

Robin and I are the same age and we grew up together going to school and playing ball together.  Like I said, it is still hard to believe she is not here any more. 

Robin was an avid runner.  She had ran in numerous race of all distances.  The running group that she ran with is working on organizing a 5k in her honor in April.  I will be walking it with Robin's sister Kathy.

So, I am now training to be prepared for the 5k to honor my dear cousin.  It is a great way to show our love for her and to get back in shape.

I would love for all of you to join me on this journey.  If you can join me for the actual 5k, AWESOME!  If not then train with me, either in person (would love to have some walking buddies) or train where you are and keep me informed.  Of course I would love to receive some encouragement with your comments here.

I'll be posting on a regular basis here on my progress and my thoughts.  So, please keep checking back and don't forget those words of encouragement.

Maybe at the 2012 5k for Robin I can run it.  Robin, we love and miss you.
