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Monday, January 10, 2011

Book Review: David Meerman Scott’s “The New Rules of PR”

Here it is in the middle of the night and I cannot sleep.  Maybe it is the excitement of waiting for the big snowstorm that is knocking on our door.  Since I could not sleep, I decided to read a book.  I selected “The New Rules of PR” by one of my favorite authors David Meerman Scott.

I should have known reading one of Scott’s books would not help me fall to sleep.  His book “World Wide Rave” is one of my all time favorite books and one I suggest to my friends.  I think I read it in a weekend.

Tonight’s reading was a little shorter, but just as thought provoking.  While Scott wrote “The New Rules of PR: How to create a press release strategy or reaching buyers directly” back in 2006, the information and ideas are still relevant today.  That is why I am recommending it to all of my friends and anyone that wants to promote themselves or their business.

“The New Rules of PR” is a short free e-book packed with ideas I will be implementing to help market my own business.  It is also sort of a precursor to another book by David Meerman Scott “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” which is now on my I must read list. 


  1. Sorry that my book kept you awake. Thanks for writing about it here and spreading the word. David

  2. David I enjoyed it and I plan to put it to use.


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