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Monday, January 10, 2011

Not as young as I use to be

There is nothing like going sledding to bring back childhood memories and make you feel like a kid again.  Well that is until you hit a bump at full speed.

Funny, I don’t remember it hurting like that when I was a kid.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

I remember coming in from sledding till we were frozen and undressing by the wood stove in the basement.  The snow would sizzle as it melted when it fell on the hot stove. 

Mom would always make us hot chocolate.  Regardless how frozen we were, we were never too cold for snow cream.  Ummmm!

Back then I could eat all of the snow cream I wanted and did not have to worry about it.  Now, I have to count the calories.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

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