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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Failing the EOGs

Sarah and her classmates are taking their 5th grade Science EOGs today.  Next week they have the rest of the EOGs.  That means two weeks of stress and worry for these students and teachers.

If you don’t know what EOG stands for, it is End of Grade testing.  Depending on how the student does on the EOGs could mean if they pass or fail the grade.  There are also implications for the teacher and school as well on how the students do on their EOGs.

I don’t know about you, but I hate test.  I understand they are important, but I still hate them.  Then add all of the pressure of the EOGs could mean pass or fail; well that is simply ridiculous.

I have no clue who came up with the idea of the EOGs and the power they have, but I have some news for you.  I give them a big fat “F”.  You know as in failed.

There is no sense in relying so much on the EOGs to determine how well a student has learned.  What kind of a lesson is that teaching the students?  To me it says it does not matter if you really understand it as long as you can memorize enough to pass a test.  Great way to go through life.

We have good teachers that are well educated and that care about the students in the classroom.  Let them do their job and truly teach the students and not just teach for a test. 

These teachers know when a student has learned the lessons or if they need to be held back a year.  Plus, without the stress of the EOGs, the teachers could focus more on teaching each student at each student’s level.  Let them do their job they have been trained for and that we (the taxpayers) pay them to do.

It is time for a change.  There is no sense in placing this kind of pressure on these young students or their teachers.  Our country did not become the number one country in the world because of a stupid (oh yes I did go there) test.  We became number one because we developed a society of people that were willing to work, knew how to use their brains to figure things out and believed in themselves. 

That is what we need to be teaching and stressing to our children.  Not the pressure of the EOGs.   Regardless of how well the student has done all year; one bad test can make them feel stupid and that they cannot do anything.

Do you think I am kidding?  Ask them and see what you think of the EOGs then.

I would love to hear your thoughts on the EOGs.  Please share them.

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