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Monday, April 18, 2011

Crossing the finish line

A sea of people all walking for one cause.  As we turned the corner to head up the "hill" this was what we saw.  It is one of the most amazing sites I have ever seen.
Just over two weeks ago I completed in my first 5K ever.  As I have written about earlier, the 5K was in honor of my cousin Robin Rockett Bowen.  Robin was killed when she was hit while running last Christmas Eve morning.

When the run was first being planned, we were all hoping for 200 runners/walkers.  As the weeks and days approached the run, it quickly became apparent that the Lord was working in the run.

On the morning of the run it was announced that 602 runners/walkers were registered for either the 1 mile fun run or the 5K.  I am still amazed.  

The weather during the run was perfect.  The fellowship was beyond belief.  I can honestly say that this day was a positive step in the healing process for all that loved Robin.  Plus, $10,000 was raised to be donated to several charities and causes that Robin supported.
The support from the runners and community was unbelievable.  This was just one of many families that was out in their yard cheering us on.  Their sign stood out to me.  Later I learned there was more to their story.
Several of my photography friends, including a new photography friend, came to help me photograph the day.  I am very thankful for them giving their time and love to help support this.  Their images are priceless.

For three months I worked out trying to loose some of this weight I have gained and even more importantly improve my lungs. I lost some weight, but I did make some serious ground on my lungs.
Here I am with my cousin Kathy (right) and her daughter Lauren before the run.  Thanks to my new friend, photographer Denise Moody for this image and many others.
I walk it with my cousin Kathy, Robin’s sister, and we crossed the finish line together.  I know Robin was with us every step of the way too.  In fact, we were both pretty happy with how we felt and our time. 

This was my first 5K, but I have decided it is not going to be my last.  I am still training.  In fact, I have stepped it up some and running most of my workouts now.  Although I will admit when I am done, I feel like Fred Sanford and his famous “This is the big one! Elizabeth, I’m coming” scene.  Of course that requires me to be able to speak and at the end of my workouts I am just trying to get some air.  But, I am working on it.
Here I am after the run with some of mine and Robin's classmates and family members.
I haven’t decided on which one will be my next 5K. There are several I have learned about and I need to decide on which one will be the next one.  I don’t think I’ll be able to run all of it, but maybe a run/walk combination.  Next year, I will run all of Robin’s Run.

I found this quote before doing Robin’s Run and I think it is very fitting in life and running:

“Runners just do it ~ they run for the finish line even if someone else has reached it first.” – Unknown

See you at the finish line.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this article, I am sorry I couldn't make it to the event but I know that with all those that attended, there were so many more that had it in their hearts & prayers. One day we shall all cross the finish line of life here, its how we run, walk and the decisions we make in that race of life that matters most in determining if we have Victory and here those precious words, Welcome Home. You've done well. Thanks Denise for your caring heart & sharing this with us.


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