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Monday, January 24, 2011

The first step to Robin’s Run

Thanks to Denise Moody for sharing this image of Robin during the Reindeer Romp race back in December.  Robin always loved to run.

It has been one month today since my cousin Robin was killed when she was hit by a car while out running on Christmas Eve.  I’ll admit, it still hard to really believe this is not just a bad dream.

In her honor, I am taking the time today to complete the registration form for Robin’s Run 5K.  As I noted in earlier posts, this will be my first 5K and I know Robin is getting a kick out of getting me serious about working out again.  From what I have read on the facebook page for Robin’s Run, this will be many people’s first 5K. 

We would love to have you join us.  The run/walk (I’ll be walking) 5K will be on Saturday April 2nd.  You can get more information and download the registration form here. 

Hope to see you there.  God Bless,

Friday, January 14, 2011

5K Update – Baggy Pants

I have been training for about two weeks and thought I would post an update on my progress.  My main focus to start off with is to loose some of this excess weight I have been carrying around for too long.

It is not much, but I am proud to say that I have lost 3 pounds.  Not a lot, but it is progress.  I am still not in a smaller size pants, yet.  But the pants I have been wearing are starting to feel baggy.  All of the ladies know that as bad as that feels to actually wear; it is an AWESOME feeling.

My workouts have mostly comprised of walking on the treadmill, playing with my daughter and hiking up a steep snowy hill to go sledding down it again.  Who says working out can’t be fun.

I hope you are joining me on my journey to get back in shape and to participate in the 5K that will be held in honor of my cousin.  It has been 3 weeks since Robin was killed and it is still hard to believe she is not here.  I know she would be sending me emails full of encouragement.  Maybe you can help and leave me a word of encouragement here or even better; give me a report on your progress.

Till next time – God Bless,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Not as young as I use to be

There is nothing like going sledding to bring back childhood memories and make you feel like a kid again.  Well that is until you hit a bump at full speed.

Funny, I don’t remember it hurting like that when I was a kid.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

I remember coming in from sledding till we were frozen and undressing by the wood stove in the basement.  The snow would sizzle as it melted when it fell on the hot stove. 

Mom would always make us hot chocolate.  Regardless how frozen we were, we were never too cold for snow cream.  Ummmm!

Back then I could eat all of the snow cream I wanted and did not have to worry about it.  Now, I have to count the calories.  Guess I am not as young as I use to be.

Book Review: David Meerman Scott’s “The New Rules of PR”

Here it is in the middle of the night and I cannot sleep.  Maybe it is the excitement of waiting for the big snowstorm that is knocking on our door.  Since I could not sleep, I decided to read a book.  I selected “The New Rules of PR” by one of my favorite authors David Meerman Scott.

I should have known reading one of Scott’s books would not help me fall to sleep.  His book “World Wide Rave” is one of my all time favorite books and one I suggest to my friends.  I think I read it in a weekend.

Tonight’s reading was a little shorter, but just as thought provoking.  While Scott wrote “The New Rules of PR: How to create a press release strategy or reaching buyers directly” back in 2006, the information and ideas are still relevant today.  That is why I am recommending it to all of my friends and anyone that wants to promote themselves or their business.

“The New Rules of PR” is a short free e-book packed with ideas I will be implementing to help market my own business.  It is also sort of a precursor to another book by David Meerman Scott “The New Rules of Marketing and PR” which is now on my I must read list. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

5K Challenge

Here it is New Year's Day 2011.  I have never been big on making New Year's resolutions, but this year I have one and I would like for you to join me.

In April, I will be participating in my very first 5k.  Fortunately for me it is a walk/run 5k, so I will be walking it.  This is a special 5k and I need to give you some of the background on it.

On Christmas Eve morning I received a call from my mom with news that still is sinking in.  My cousin, Robin Rockett Bowen, was hit while out during her morning run with the running group she ran with.  Robin was killed instantly and another runner was severely injured.  The driver was later charged with a DWI and from what I understand that was not her first.  Read the newspaper article here.

Robin and I are the same age and we grew up together going to school and playing ball together.  Like I said, it is still hard to believe she is not here any more. 

Robin was an avid runner.  She had ran in numerous race of all distances.  The running group that she ran with is working on organizing a 5k in her honor in April.  I will be walking it with Robin's sister Kathy.

So, I am now training to be prepared for the 5k to honor my dear cousin.  It is a great way to show our love for her and to get back in shape.

I would love for all of you to join me on this journey.  If you can join me for the actual 5k, AWESOME!  If not then train with me, either in person (would love to have some walking buddies) or train where you are and keep me informed.  Of course I would love to receive some encouragement with your comments here.

I'll be posting on a regular basis here on my progress and my thoughts.  So, please keep checking back and don't forget those words of encouragement.

Maybe at the 2012 5k for Robin I can run it.  Robin, we love and miss you.
