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Monday, July 18, 2011

Now this is a reason for reading a book digitally

I love to read.  I love technology.  But I prefer to read a book; a real book.  One you can hold in your hands and actually turn the page.  One that can lay on your chest when you fall asleep reading in the hammock and one if your dog gets a hold of it while you are asleep you are only out a few dollars.

Then I saw this TED Talks video with Mike Matas.
Now, this is a reason to read a book digitally.  Maybe not the Al Gore book, but this could be interesting with some books.

In fact, I predict this could be the future of educational text books.  I can see how this would be a great teaching tool for students to use.

For now though, I think I'll hit my hammock with my book.  My real book.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sprint misses call with Paige Duke

Paige & Sarah at the Charlotte race.
When I saw online that Sprint had released Paige Duke as a Miss Sprint Cup over some unfavorable images I was sadden.  My daughter met Paige at a recent race at the Charlotte Motor Speedway and she left a positive impression on Sarah.  Every NASCAR race on TV after that she would look for Paige in Victory Lane.

As soon as I read the then short note posted on facebook about Paige being let go by Sprint, I went and talked with Sarah about how decisions can some times have negative consequences not only now but in the future. 

Since then I have learned more about what happened.  I have not seen these pictures, nor do I have any desire to see them.  I have thought long and hard on this and need to share my feelings.

The pictures were from when Paige was in college 6 years ago and were intended only for her then boyfriend.  They were never to be seen by anyone else.

Let’s look at the facts:
-          The pictures were taken 6 years ago, well before Paige was employed by Sprint.
-          They were not taken for a magazine or the general public to see.  They were for someone she was in a relationship with.
-          The pictures or taking of the pictures is not illegal.  Although posting them online without Paige’s permission is WRONG and very disrespectful.   

I do have to wonder if there is a double standard in the NASCAR world.  Most recently driver Kyle Busch was stopped for driving over 100 mph and really nothing was done to him.  Last time I checked, driving that much over the speed limit is breaking the law.  Not picking on Kyle, he handled his situation very well too.   But he is just the most recent example.

I understand there was a morality clause in the contract between Paige and Sprint.  And I will be the first to say I do not condone those types of pictures.  As a professional photographer, I will not create them for my clients – personal beliefs.

But we have all made mistakes.  It is how you respond and deal with those mistakes that truly matter.  And I must say; Paige has handled this situation gracefully. 

Sarah and I listened in on a radio interview with Paige and I am so glad Sarah was with me to hear it.  Paige is stepping up and admitting her mistake and is using this as an opportunity to educate young girls like Sarah about how they do not need to do things such as nude pictures for a guy to keep their attention and the consequences that may come from something like that years later.

This is where Sprint missed the call.  Paige is taking a bad situation and turning it into a positive one.  She is using it to hopefully keep some other young girl from doing the same mistake she did or go through what she has gone through.

Paige was doing an awesome job representing Sprint as Miss Sprint Cup.  Sprint could have taken this opportunity to step up and through the bad situation with Paige become a leader in helping educate young girls to think more about the decisions they make. Paige is doing a great job speaking on that now, but Sprint has missed the call.

Guess what?  My cell phone contract is up.  I won’t be looking at Sprint to become my provider.  I might have if they were being active on helping young girls like my daughter.

Shortly, after Paige was let go we received back the picture of her and Sarah we sent to her with a really nice note and autographed.  We are in the process of framing it and it will be hung in Sarah’s room.  Because of how Paige treated Sarah at the race and mostly how she has handled this unfortunate situation, our view of Paige has not been tarnished.

If Paige is ever in the Hickory area, I would love to have her come speak to our youth group at church and Sarah’s friends from school.  She is being a great role model for them to look up too and listen to.

Car seat safety

As a mom, the safety of my daughter is constantly on my mind.  So when one of my favorite podcasts interviewed Dr. Alisa Baer, the Car Seat Lady; I knew I needed to share it with all the parents and grandparents out there.  Dr. Baer gave some great information on child car seat safety.

Please take the time to listen to the podcast.  It is packed full of great information.

Listen to internet radio with Breakthroughbusiness on Blog Talk Radio

Then take the time to go over the information on the Car Seat Lady website.

I just wished I had known about this when Sarah was smaller.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Travel light and look good at the same time

I love TED Talks.  They are short and very insightful.  I watched this one of Jessi Arrington earlier today and just had to share it with you.  Watch it and then I'll share some thoughts with you.

I would like to first say how enjoyable Jessi presentation was.  It was very funny and upbeat, but delivered several important messages.

Jessi's message on how your attitude effects how you really look is spot on.  I really wish more people (especially young girls) would listen to what Jessi says and believe it.

I'll have to admit I love thrift store shopping.  It is always like an adventure and like Jessi, it feels good to be able to help out a good organization while getting something new to wear or use in the house.

But until I watched Jessi's TED Talk I never thought about using it when I travel.  What a great idea.  With all the extra charges the airlines tack on when you fly or simply just dealing with loading and unloading the car to do a trip, going thrift store shopping when you get there is a great idea.  Then donating them back just benefits the organization again.

This is definitely an idea I like.  Thanks Jessi for the idea!  Always love an excuse to hit another thrift store.

To find out more about TED Talks, go to