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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Help our school

I'll have to be honest and say, I don't have $500,000 to give to Sarah's school.  As bad as the school needs it and I would like to give it to them, I don't have it.  Do any of you?

Fortunately, there is something we can do.  We can all vote on Kohl's Cares for George Hildebrand Elementary School.  Each of us can give up to 5 votes for Sarah's school. 

We have an up-hill battle against much larger schools, but I know we can do it.  I am not asking for GH to be #1 in votes, 20th will be just fine.  I wrote an article on how this works and it includes a link to be able to vote for GH.

GH does need your help.  Many of the families in the community do not even have computers in their home.  Many more have no internet access.  Since this is an online voting contest, that makes it hard for many of the parents to vote for their kid's school.

Kohl's is a favorite store of mine to shop.  They have the clothes I like in the size I can wear.  Plus, the staff is usually very friendly.  Thanks Kohl's for doing this.  And no I am not getting anything from them for saying that.

I appreciate your help with this.

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