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Monday, February 28, 2011

Macaroni for moms

I recently found out about a great resource for moms and wanted to share it with everyone.  So much so that I wrote an article about it and a blog on the studio blog.  But, I wanted to share it with everyone here as well. 

Macaroni Kid is a great resource for moms and teachers.  Check it out.

Photography workshop and passion - oh my

PPNC Convention is always the best.

I have not written much lately, here or on my examiner column.  I really have not felt like saying a whole lot lately.

But, it is time for that to change.  I recently started writing on my examiner column again.  The first article was on something I am very passionate about; photography - specifically my photography family.

I love my career as a photographer.  Being a photographer is a large part of who I am.  I am very passionate about my profession and my craft.  That is why I am also passionate about continuing to improve my skills as a photographer. 

Professional Photographers of North Carolina, PPNC, has been a key player in my development as a professional photographer.  The PPNC Convention is coming up and if you are a professional photographer or working towards becoming one, it is an educational experience you cannot afford to miss.

Learn more about the PPNC convention in the article.