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Thursday, July 29, 2010

The tea just got sweeterr

McAlister’s Deli’s Free Tea Day just got sweeter 

On July 29th at every McAlister’s Delis nationwide is Free Tea Day. Not only will patrons be able to receive a free glass of the tea that McAlister’s is famous for, but they will be able to help out a good cause as well.

see how you can get a free glass of tea


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Charlotte in battle over tea

Battle for Tea Town USA

The battle between Charlotte, North Carolina and Longview, Texas to be named Tea Town USA is heating up with only one day left. Voting ends for the contest being held by McAlister’s Deli on July 29th.

read more about this friendly battle

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Local farmers market provides options without the work

A summer delight is fresh fruits and vegetables straight from the garden.  For some people, that means working the land ad growing their own fruits and vegetables until they are just perfect for the picking  Local farmers markets provide the same opportunity of selecting fresh fruits and vegetables that are just right for those that do not grow their own and even those that do without all of the dirty work.

read more about the Hildebran Farmers Market

Monday, July 26, 2010

School in hunt for school supplies

In a month school will be starting a new year. Stores are starting their back to school sales and kids are squeezing in the last bit of fun before summer vacation ends.


Sunday, July 25, 2010

Photos that are out of this world

     As a professional photographer I love looking at incredible photographs.  One of the few sites I visit on a daily basis provides me with images that are often out of the world.  It is the NASA Image of the Day page.  
     I am a big fan of NASA and the images they post on there are simply out of this world.  I often set out on my deck at night and look up at the stars and just wonder what amazements awaits up there.  NASA's images feed my curiosity.  Like this one of the Seagull nebula as seen in this infrared mosaic from NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer known as WISE.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA
     Would that not be cool to see in person?  The ones I love to see the most are the ones that the astronauts create while in space.  They just fascinate me.  We have a beautiful world that we live on and I love exploring it and creating images of its beauty.  The view from up there is well... out of this world.
Image Credit: NASA
       You can see Earth in this self-portrait of astronaut Garrett Reisman during a spacewalk.  What you actually are seeing is the reflection of Earth and part of the space station in his visor.
     My Canon photography friends are going to love me, but something else that is neat is that the astronauts use Nikon equipment while up in space just like I do here on Earth.  I have known this for a while, but a recent article by NPR shared some new images from the new Nikon D3s that recently just arrived to the space station. I can say that even though I may never get to create images from outer space like you see from NASA, their images simply inspire me. 
     Each morning I check the new image of the day from NASA and I await the next shuttle launch.  Which is scheduled for November 1st.  Each night I look up into the night sky and dream of photos that are out of this world.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Listen to the weatherman

This summer has been hot!  No doubt about it.  With the heat we have definitely had some rough thunderstorms.  Each time the weather comes on the news and it is one of those days where storms are popping up everywhere; the weatherman always say to seek shelter when one of these storms arrive, but not under a tree.

A tree will provide some protection from the rain and keep us some what dry; right?  So why should we listen to the weatherman?  Here is why.

For almost a week, we had some sever thunderstorms each day.  Last Tuesday we were all in the living room during one of these storms when we heard a streak of lightning.  It was clear it hit something close by, but we were not sure what it had hit.  The next day we found out what it hit.

The tree has multiple split all the way up and down the trunk.  Bark was blown off a good twenty feet.  The big crack you see here is large enough for me to slide my hand into it.  If someone would have been near this tree at that moment, it would not have been good.

According to the National Weather Service, there has already been 16 lightning fatalities in 2010.  North Carolina is tied with Wyoming for the second largest number of lightning fatalities so far in 2010 with two.  Georgia is number one with three.

So when a storm is approaching, listen to the weatherman; seek shelter inside and definitely not under a tree.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Just a thought - airplanes

You can say I love adventure. 

So it is really no surprise that the idea of jumping out of a perfectly good airplane just for the adventure makes sense to me.

Now if you jump out of a perfectly good plane just for the adventure and you are the only one on board... 

Well, then you wouldn't be using that plane anymore.

Just a thought...

Sunday, July 4, 2010

One Nation Under God - In God We Trust

It is July 4th; our nation's birthday.  I have spent the day as most of you, spending time with my family and cooking out.  It has been a great day.

But I will admit I did spend some time today thinking about our country.  We are lucky to live in the USA.  We have freedoms and opportunities that most in this world cannot even dream of.

Yes, I know that things have been tough the past couple of years. But still, we are a lot better off than any other country.

Still, I am troubled by some things going on in our country.  Our country was founded on Christian principles, by God fearing people.  God has blessed our country over the centuries.

Now it seems that our country is trying to move further away from God.  First, it was taking prayer out of schools and we have seen how well that has worked.  There is more violence in school than ever before and school systems are having to layoff teachers because they do not have the funding necessary.  Yet we have the money for special projects that benefit only the select few and not our future.

Lately, there is a movement to take the words "In God We Trust" off of our money and the words "one nation under God" from our pledge of allegiance.  We are one nation under God and we had better put our trust in God or our country is going to be in even worst shape than it is currently in.

We must fight to protect our nation's heritage and our rights as God fearing Americans; like those that built this great nation.

Only the first two verses of our nation's anthem are commonly known; take a look at the last verse:

O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their lov'd homes and the war's desolation;
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Pow'r that hath made and preserv'd us as a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave! 

May God Bless America!

Google's Rube Goldberg 4th of July celebration

As it was expected Google has created another wonderful special Google doodle to celebrate the 4th of July. This year the Google doodle is animated and celebrates not only America’s birthday, but the birthday of Rube Goldberg.

read more

Welcome to the porch swing

Welcome to the porch swing. This is where we can sit awhile and share some stories and talk about what is going on in the world.

I grew up spending many hours sitting on the porch swing with my Granny talking and enjoying the time together.

I a mom, wife, professional photographer and writer, as well as a servant to the Lord. I care about those around me and hope to make the world a better place. Occasionally, I have something to say.

Feel free to join me here on the porch swing any time.